Let miracles replace all grievances.

A grievance is really a plea for something to be different and more often than not, it is directed at other people. We tend to believe that the source of our problems is due to somebody else failing to cooperate with our objectives. A grievance can be likened to a train that takes you back and forth from point A to point B. An endless cycle that leads you nowhere except back to you and your perceived problem. On an energetic level, grievances are stored in our energy field. They act like a thick veil that impedes any light from entering. Hence the need for a miracle to replace them. We believe a remarkable, magical event defines a miracle like someone being cured of an incurable disease. But a genuine miracle actually is when we experience a shift in our perception from a fear-based thought to one of love. When we choose to give our brother/sister the benefit of the doubt instead of blaming them for any unpleasant situation we experience, a true miracle has occurred. Let the healing begin. Let miracles replace all grievances.
