As a child, I made music and singing my refuge and shelter and then I made it my career. Whenever I sang I was transported to a land of fantasy where everything was magically and miraculously happy and in harmony. The sad thing is that I just didn’t know how to make that a permanent emotional experience. For a lot of my life, I felt misunderstood, silenced and unseen, even though I was performing full-time in bands and with shows, eventually moving to Barcelona and becoming a solo artist.

In parallel to my stage life, I began to invest time in my personal growth, partly through voice training and partly through psychotherapy. Through these pursuits, I began to discover my spirit, which led me to meditation, breath work and a whole host of other tools. A whole new world opened up for me.

What I realised was that I had to come to grips with parts of my voice that I didn’t like; with parts that I didn’t know existed; and with parts that needed retraining. Working on my voice unleashed an ocean of pent-up emotions that had been stuck in my emotional body for years. I uncovered so many things from the harshest judgements I had levied upon myself, and how much and in what ways I had self-sabotaged all throughout my life, believing deep down inside that I didn’t have what it takes to be a successful singer. I found myself in classes shouting, crying, throwing temper tantrums and begging for forgiveness. It was truly transformational.


And now, partly thanks to the pandemic, I have come to realize that I have lived a version of a fantasy narrative, complete with dreams and wishes that I, in hindsight, can see were never really my authentic desires. The one thing that has been a constant for so much of my adult life has been working towards true healing and harmony. All I want to do is use my voice to serve humanity, which I identify as my soul’s song of truth. Now I find time to sing every day because I genuinely look forward to it. My day just doesn’t feel complete if I don’t connect to my inner sound.

So, here I am, at peace with my voice, for it is no longer a shouting mechanism to rage at the world but rather, an instrument and conduit for healing with and through harmony. The experience and skills I have collected along the way now form the basis for the methodology I call Transformative Voice Work and which has become both my mission in life and my new career: as a healer through voice.



Over the years I have met and worked with many people who are struggling the same way I did; people who are stuck in emotional misery and pain and can’t find a way through. The most important project in life is actually your life and what I have learnt is this has to be the number one priority for investment. Since I have understood this, I have never ceased to explore possibilities for my development. And this is not a selfish pursuit because the more balanced and happy we are, the more the people and the world around us benefit. I am urging people to get on the journey to healing. My voice work is just one of many possibilities to help you on this journey but in my experience, it is an important one. The voice is not just an instrument but a vital connection with our inner spirit, a way of connecting to who we really are.



In my recent work with clients, we have discovered wonderful insights and achieved amazing breakthroughs. And this is with people of all ages and backgrounds. Some are professional singers, yes, but most are not musicians but just people who want to discover their authentic selves and, in so doing, live their true lives and this can be done by finding your voice, in every meaning of the word. Read testimonials.